رئيسة قسم اللغة الانجليزية

Name: Sabah Mohamed Abbas Hamza (Assistant Professor)
Responsibilities: Head of the English Department (4 Years)
Campus Involvement: Dhahran Al-Janoub, College of Arts & Sciences
Research Interests: English language – Applied Linguistics
Contact : E.mail :( shamza@kku.edu.sa)
- PhD, English - Applied Linguistics -Sudan University for Science and Technology, Sudan 2015.
- Master, English – Applied Linguistics – Sudan University for Science and Technology, Sudan 2011.
- Bachelor, English Language and Literature -Omderman Islamic University, Sudan 1995.
:Academic experience
- Lecturer at Umderman Islamic University-Faculty of Arts (1995 – 1997 )
- Teacher and supervisor in the Ministry of Education - Saudi Arabia – Hail (1997 – 2000) – Full time English Supervisor and teacher’s trainer in Al-Khaleej National schools-Riyadh (2000 -2016 (- Full time
- Teacher assistant King Khalid University ( 2016 – 2020) Full time -
- Ideal faculty member 1439.
- Head of the Ideal Department 1440 1st term.
- Ideal Head of the department 1440 2nd term.
:Service activities
- Member, Exam committee in the department.1438 h
- Member, Society service committee in the college. 1438-1439.
- Head of the English Department. (1438 – till now)
:Most important publications and presentations from the past five years
- Sabah Mohamed Abbas : PhD thesis ,The Effect of cooperative Learning on the writing skill of the Intermediate stage in Saudi Arabia -2015
- Presentation: The problems that face ESL in Saudi Arabia – in the college 2016.
- Presentation: The effect of cooperative Learning in teaching -in the college 14439h.
- Presentation: The Creative Thinking Skills – in the college 1439h.
- Presentation: The Self Evaluation in the college 1440 h.
- Presentation: The Importance of the Scientific Research - in the college 2017.
- Presentation: How to write a good exam paper- in the college 1439h.
- Presentation: Quality of Scientific Research Standards in the college 1440 h.
- Presentation: Quality of Scientific Research Standards in the college 1440 h. (for schools)
- Presentation: Personal Strategic Plan in the college 1441 h.
- Presentation: How to build Successes in the college 1441 h.
- Presentation: The Creative Thinking Skills – Online workshop 1441 h.
- Presentation: Time management in Crises – Online workshop 1441 h.
- Participation and attend: The Research Development Conference -Abha 1440h.
- Participation and attend: the 14th Research Day. Abha 1440 h
:Most recent professional development activities
- Taught many courses on linguistics for graduate students.
Writing poems
Surfing the net